

Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 285, Plano, Texas


Troop 285 is fortunate to have been scouting, building character / leadership of young men, and serving the Plano community since 1965.  We proudly celebrate our 60th anniversary in 2025 and look forward to continued growth and service from our ~ 60 scout-strong troop.


Photos from an Eagle Scout Project Workday (November 2024)

Our website is designed to provide visitors with information about our Troop and for our scout families to have access to everything needed to support our troop activities and programs.

Visitors, please read the About Us page to learn more about T285. Also, have a look at our Public Photo Album to see our scouts in action. Questions? Fill out the Contact Us form, and we will gladly get in touch with you.

Troop Members may log in to view the Calendar, see important announcements, check your Merit Badge status / partials, and retrieve any troop forms needed from the Files area.


2025 Troop 285 Campouts

Date Campout Name Location
March 28th - 30th Climbing Campout Worth Ranch
April 11th - 13th Camporee Camp Trevor Rees-Jones
May 10th Ziplining Day Event Plano TX
May 25th - 26th Carry The Load Reverchon Park
June 8th - 14th Summer Camp Camp Constantin
July 11th - 18th Polaris ATV High Adventure Summit Bechtel Reserve
July 26th Activate Day Event Activate, Plano TX
September 12th - 14th Rocket Launching Campout TBD
October 24th - 26th Up In The Trees Hugo OK
November 14th - 16th Range and Target Campout TBD
December 26th - 28th Winter Camp Meyers Woods






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